SB Church
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Renovation 3
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Financial Statements
St. Francis Church is closed.  All masses with be held at St. Bernard Church or The Divine Mercy Chapel.
Mass Schedule as of December 16, 2024

Sunday: 8am at St. Bernard Church, 10am (livestream) at St. Bernard Church, 11:30 at St. Bernard Church
Monday: 8am & 9am in the Divine Mercy Chapel

Tuesday: 9am in the Divine Mercy Chapel
Wednesday: 8am in the Divine Mercy Chapel
Thursday: 8am & 9am in the Divine Mercy Chapel
Friday: 8am in the Divine Mercy Chapel
Saturday: 9am in the Divine Mercy Chapel, 4pm at St. Bernard Church
Confessions: 3:15-3:45pm Saturdays before 4pm Mass

Weekly Bulletin
